Arduino Day - March 27, 2021

Arduino Day 2021

Roboiotics welcomes you all to this Worldwide Celebration of Arduino

Undistancing: Open makes us Close

In a year of social distancing, we realized (even more) the magnitude of the Arduino open-source community. Connecting us all, our community has broken down the barriers of physical distances and self-isolation. While the pandemic has made us feel further apart, Arduino has brought us a bit closer.

For this reason, Arduino Day 2021 will be titled ‘Undistancing: Open Makes Us Close’ — a phrase that embodies the power of the open source community to shorten any physical distance through new opportunities to collaborate, innovate, and get (virtually) closer.

UNDISTANCING conveys the disruptive power of Arduino users to unite in a time when it’s needed more than ever.

OPEN MAKES US CLOSE represents the ability of our community to transform a burden into a chance to connect, collaborate, and create as one. It’s a call to shorten as many distances as possible and to explore new ideas and technologies, together.

Visit for more details.

Roboiotics in collaboration with TalentEve, Deeply Embedded and ulaunch conducted Arduino Day on March 27, 2021.

If you wish to collaborate for more events like this with us, please write to us at

The event included the below activities:

  • Expert talks by several speakers (List of speakers and bio shall be posted soon on this page)
  • Talk by a school student from a remote town on how he developed an interest in Arduino
  • Hands-on session on Arduino

All user groups, maker spaces, hackerspaces, fab labs, associations, teachers, schools, professionals, start-ups and newbies were welcome to participate in this event. The event recording link is as follows:

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